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The Science of the Pyramids – The South Atlantic Anomaly (SAA) and Global Atmospheric Variations (Cl

Switzerland, August 31, 2015 - 1:35 A.M

To the world leaders and the International Scientific


Subject: The Science of the Pyramids – The South Atlantic Anomaly (SAA) and Global Atmospheric Variations (Climate Change)

Open Letter

Dear Sirs and Mesdames:

Humanity can only survive the escalating atmospheric variations (climate change) if all countries combine their efforts to understand the real causes behind these variations. This is a moral and ethical obligation: it is our job to ensure the survival of the environment and protect the existence of future generations, as our ancestors did for us.

As founder of a non-profit organization, my investigations with the Pyramids prove that they are scientific instruments that were used in ancient times to resolve the same natural atmospheric variations that we are dealing with today that are leading to climate change. In 2011 in Washington State, through my foundation, Classical Music for Children, I transcribed the basics principles of these discoveries in my second book, The Pyramids’ Mysteries Resolved: Scientific Solutions to Challenges Regarding the Earth’s Magnetic Field and Climate Change. I informed President Barack Obama of the cause and solutions in 2011, followed by other world leaders in 2012, but my efforts have been in vain. Carbon dioxide buildup remains the primary agenda explaining the temperature anomalies – yet that is not the real cause.

Unable to get the attention of government leaders, and due to the strategic importance of the issue of climate change, I extended my call for help to European, Asian and African leaders, and was briefly able to share my findings with two European and one South American President in recent months. Today marks a new call to each of you, because climate change and the need for the information that my foundation is disclosing to humanity is more acute than ever.

The scientific community has established knowledge that atmospheric variations leading to climate change are caused by the weakening of the earth’s magnetic field, rather than the increase of carbon dioxide (CO2). However, I also point out that the process is accelerated by what is already known as “The South Atlantic Anomaly” (SAA), which could explain the extreme temperatures, both warm and cold, in various parts of the planet.

What is the South Atlantic Anomaly? NASA says:

“The Earth is surrounded by a pair of concentric donut-shaped clouds called the Van Allen radiation belts which, like magnetic bottle, store and trap charged particles from the solar wind. They are aligned with the magnetic axis of the Earth, which is tilted by 11 degrees from the rotation axis of the Earth, and are not symmetrically placed with respect to the Earth's surface. Although the inner surface is 1200 - 1300 kilometers from the Earth's surface on one side of the Earth, on the other they dip down to 200 - 800 kilometers. Above South America, about 200 - 300 kilometers off the coast of Brazil, and extending over much of South America, the nearby portion of the Van Allen Belt forms what is called the South Atlantic Anomaly. Satellites and other spacecraft passing through this region of space actually enter the Van Allen radiation belt and are bombarded by protons exceeding energies of 10 million electron volts at a rate of 3000 'hits' per square centimeter per second. This can produce 'glitches' in astronomical data, problems with the operation of on-board electronic systems, and premature aging of computer, detector and other spacecraft components.

“The Hubble Space Telescope passes through the 'SAA' for 10 successive orbits each day, and spends nearly 15 percent of its time in this hostile region. Astronauts are also affected by this region which is said to be the cause of peculiar 'shooting stars' seen in the visual field of astronauts.”

- From NASA web site: (

I have compiled a 16-minute video titled “Pyramids' Sciences and Climate Change 4th Anniversary and the South Atlantic Anomaly (SAA)”, to give you a clear understanding of the South Atlantic Anomaly's effect on the current atmospheric variations or climate change.

It is now our responsibility to learn about this science of the stone, which is partially detailed in my book.

As I urged in my open letter to world leaders in 2012, a consortium of international scientists must be put into place to further investigate, with my help, the pyramids as science.

I hope this information will be received with wisdom by you and other trusted leaders and governments. My only objective since 2011 has been to enlist greater consideration and attention to the environmental solution offered by the ancients that we may use again today for the love and security of the future of humanity.


Christian Bernard Magnongui

Founder, Independent Researcher at (The Pyramid project) and Climate Change

I administer a humanitarian blog page at:

Other articles related to this file:

Our book with illustrations published in 2013 from the first edition (2011):

"The Pyramids' Mysteries Resolved: Scientific Solutions to Challenges Regarding the Earth's Magnetic Field and Climate Change."

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